Delivering the Right Audience at the Right Time
Tring Live Media’s instore audio network of 500-plus grocery retailers deliver advertisers the opportunity to engage with more than an average of 3.5 million shoppers per week.
Our solutions create value to everyone: sales lift for the retailers, point-of-purchase exposure for brands, and an entertaining experience for the shoppers.
Audio ads on the Tring Live in-store radio network reach every customer when it matters most—when they are making the decision to buy.
- The Tring Network reaches the entire store with your ad message and can lead your consumers to your product.
- Immediate access to customers will inform them why should act TODAY. It seems simple, but a call-to-action message does improve shopper’s motivations.
- Lead shoppers to make smarter choices. In store ads help shoppers learn more about your product while they shop.
- Partnering potential allows retailer and brand sponsorship opportunities supporting local events, while creating shopper loyalty.
- Event-specific sales programs give advertisers the opportunity to tie in holidays, sporting and cultural events, and local happenings.
- Generate online and social-media interests. In-Store Radio is the ideal complement to a brand’s digital promotions across multiple channels.

Shape Your Own Retail Ecosystem
Personalization—not just of marketing messages and offers, but also of product recommendations and content—can yield up to 2 percent top-line impact. But many traditional retailers do not optimize their promotions. Think beyond just the traditional, product-focused radio spots. Our award-winning custom content team was created to develop solutions to your brand objectives. Is there a current Out-of-Home campaign that In-Store audio can reinforce? How do we create an audio experience that complements a localized event or holiday? With more than 100 years of content-development experience in film, TV, radio, magazine, and mobile content, our team is able to create an in-store audio experience that enhances current campaigns and becomes a much more powerful part of the overall marketing mix.